SURVIVOR GIRL is a webcomic I've created with artist INGO RÖMLING. Wanting to continue our colaboration for DIE TOTEN, we came up with ideas for a weekly webcomic based on tropes and clichés from the horror genre. I did a lot of talking, since I am a horror nerd, and Ingo smoothly put all the words into drawings. And this is how we did it untill 2015, me writing, Ingo drawing. We recently added a new member to our team, young artist KIM LIERSCH, because Ingo got draftet into the Disney factory to draw for Star Wars (success!). But the stories about Phoebe, the moody final girl, Helmut, the cat-masked killer and their friends still have a lot more movies and stereotypes of the genre to make fun of. Below are some examples, but for the whole fun, go over to our mainpage and start from the beginning, when it all started one summer at Camp Haddonlake...
All of the above strips are illustrated by Ingo Römling
This is episode 67, displaying a short change of style, illustrated by Kim Liersch